Wednesday 3 June 2009

True Story

Ok, maybe my life in Colorado Springs isn't as interesting as my life in Italy was. Or maybe it's the stories that I have aren't suitable for the public.

Anyway, I've had a lot of time on my hands. I've gone to yoga and then been unable to sit comfortably the next day. I've eaten a lot of Pop-Tarts (s'mores flavor) and watched umpteen episodes of the West Wing. My friend Hannah got me hooked on Twilight, even though I swore that I would not give in. Puhleeze, who was I kidding? Although I must say, in the movie version, Edward Cullen tends to have an Eastern European accent, which is weird.

Some things on my radar:

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Me Talk Pretty One Day and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, both by David Sedaris
The new Kate Voegele album
trying to understand why rompers are back in style-call me crazy, but I don't understand the allure of dressing like an infant

In sad news, my hot neighbor has apparently not come home for the summer. Sigh. Also my usual summer habit of wandering around the neighborhood (supposedly running, but more like meandering) has been halted indefinitely as there is a bear problem. Typical, I try to act like a healthy person and Mother Nature is like "bitch, no".